Actually, the joker is a great anime and it is engaging, complex and total thrill ride game from beginning to end. The gameplay of joker is concise and clear as well as cherish for those that are actually best in this game. Also, it has remained honest to the idea that original improved anime are pretty damn excellent. This anime is especially about a group of spies as well as their missions. Each episode has a unique story that mainly concentrated on the eight spies of D-agency. In this joker game, there are dual part episodes available, but this anime is non-episodic in design.
The first episode explains that the joker game is fully about convincing other people to join your side and also it includes people to obtain what you want. The upcoming episodes will soon that consists of same story with similar nature. It also includes people to use others to obtain what they want and also it concentrates on the sly handed tricky spies, which would utilize to finish their mission. The main story of initial episode ends with the character that privileges they do not need to be a pledge in a chess game of the head master of D-agency and also it outfit the anime in a lovely fashion.
However, this first story is so damn well and also it follows the military man to get catch in this D-agency’s joker game. Furthermore, this joker game is still cute inventive at each episode. Every episode promises all these ingredients to actually create each story as engaging and interesting to watch. The main stories of first episode are all different. They are all complete mystery stories and the main strength of this anime lies in structure of the stories. Therefore, this anime attempts its best to retain the audience out of a loop.